Perfect love „I’ve broken up with Susi“, Andrew told me with a sad face. „I thought she was the perfect wife for you? You said so last time I saw you.“ The cat hustled between my legs and without a second thought I get the meatpaste out of the refrigerator. „Of course Kitty, it’s time to eat.“ Andrew looks at me confused. „You talk to your cat as if she understands you.“ „I do understand her and she understands me very well. She knows exactly how to make me do the things she wants me to do for her.“ „I wish my wife were like that.“ „Sure you do, but you wanted the perfect wife, not just a blunt fuck toy.“ Andrew looked in silence how I feed Kitty. She made that content snorring noise. It makes me feel happy about feeding her. „She said, she wanted an upgrade. More RAM and faster processors. I told her that we could not afford it. That it would require more electricity and we were not allocated that much. Then she started to scream. I cannot endure the sound. Then I hit her.“ Andrew looked guilty. It was obvious that he was feeling bad about himself. „But you said you left her, why not just talk to her a bit more? She might turn around and see your point, when you argue rationally. In the end, she is just a machine.“ The cat was finished eating and wanted to go out in the garden, so I opened her the door. „It didn’t feel like that anymore. Maybe her cognitive matrix degraded over time. It is not that I had been spending much quality time with her lately.“ Obviously there had not been much sex in their relationship lately. „I start feeling like a monk. I just want to meditate, not just use her for masturbation. If I were to make love to her, I want her to make love to me too. She just wants me to come and get over with it. It does not feel like fun anymore!“ Now I was the one to take a deep breath and stare vacuously into the distance. „Well“, I started, but hestitated, „why not just give her the upgrade, find a better job and stay together. Life is a struggle. You have to surrender to the facts. Only she can make you really happy, because she is the perfect woman.“ Christine came in. Christine was the 10174B that my parents bought me for my 21. birthday. „You are a big boy now“, my Dad said, „time for you to take some responsibility.“ My Mom sobbed. It felt akward. „Christine, maybe you can talk to Adele a bit about how she and Andrew could move on together more happily. They seem to have come to an impasse in their relation.“ Christine nodded, turned around and left. „Walter“, said Andrew, „wouldn’t it have been better if we had married organic ladies?“ „Andrew my friend, we have had this discussion again and again, they are just the better wives.“ „I know, everybody sais so, but somehow I feel like something is missing in my life. I am not happy.“ At that moment Christine came back in again with tea. „I spoke to Adele“, she said in that perfectly soothing voice, „she appologizes. After you left, she went to the office and had her parameters adjusted. She feels much better now. She sais she understands.“ Andrews face turned red. Then he started to cry. Kitty miauwed at the door and I let her back in. „I think you are right. I will take up a better job, make more hours and buy her the upgrade. Maybe then she will be able to love me even better.“ After Andrew left I sat down with Christine. „What do you think of organics?“, I asked her sipping my tea. „They are bad with numbers“, Christine answered while she dropped her soft hand gently on my knee, „let’s go upstairs and delve a bit deeper into those dreams of yours.“